ZOFEST OF 2006 was held at A.R ground, Aizawl. This Zofest is held for two days to show the origin of Mizo clan to the younger generation. There was a beautiful show on Mizo traditional dress of different Mizo clan who comes to this Zofest from different parts of N.E States. It was very beneficial for me particularly as i have not seen our different kinds of traditional costume. The art of creativity and variety of mix beautiful colors of the shawls/puan and Kawr Chei of the designers of our yester years descendant were highly appreciated. Each of the traditional dress wore by its different clan has its own symbol and meaning which is difficult to explain for me…
I just wanted to jot down a few appreciation words to the present MZP under its Leadership of Mr. P.C Laltlansanga the then President and all his colleagues for their hard work and self sacrifice to bring the ZOFEST successful one. Their contribution towards the motherland to bring peace, love, harmony and unity to the Mizo nation is highly appreciated.
Besides its traditional costume show, the food stall, handicraft stall ets which brings its uniqueness to ZOFEST was very much attracted to me. The ZOFEST was held for two days but due to the busy schedule of works I cannot attend on the first opening day but can get to fix up to attend on the next day accompanied by my colleagues. We all enjoy and find its beneficial.